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Class Coding Standards

Overview #

This document applies to all coding labs turned in during the semester. You are expected to follow these standards for all the code that you submit.

Compiling and Running Code #

Unless otherwise stated, all code must compile and run on the department’s computers in the Kount Computer Lab (CCP241). It doesn’t matter if your code compiles on your machine, it must compile on the computers provided in CCP241. If your program fails to compile, it will be awarded 0 points. Absolutely no partial credit will be given if your program does not compile.

You can access the lab computers remotely via ssh or you can go to the lab and use a workstation directly.

Spelling and Grammar #

I generally do not care about spelling or grammar mistakes. The only exception to this rule is if your spelling and grammar are so bad I literally can’t make heads or tails of what you are trying to say. You can install a spell checker that works with camelCase code!

Artistic License #

Your programming labs and homework have been carefully crafted to ensure certain learning objectives are satisfied. Thus you are required to solve the problem as described in the lab write up. For example, if a lab asks you to solve a problem using CSS and you think using Javascript is a better solution you have defeated the purpose of the lab and you will receive 0 points for your work regardless if you got the correct output.