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Course Introduction

Lesson 01 Video

Overview #

In this course, we will explore how websites work, their structure, and how information is communicated across the Internet. Web development consists of a lot of different technologies that were all developed at different times. What makes web development hard is the vast number of languages, frameworks, and standards that all somehow fit together to create what we think of as the “Modern Web”. Additionally, web development changes very rapidly so what is the new hot thing today will be considered obsolete in a few years. This class doesn’t teach frameworks, this class teaches the fundamentals that are used to build everything else. If you understand the fundamentals you can learn any framework that you may need.

Task 1 - Review and Explore #

For this task, all you need to do is explore the site. Click through all the links and see if you can find anything that is missing or broken! You can get extra credit for any typo you find on the course website. Read all the class policies to make sure you are familiar with what is expected of you during the semester.

Task 2 - Textbook #

We will be using an online textbook for this class. The textbook has integrated homework that you will need to complete each week. Sign up for the textbook so you can get started on the first homework.

Task 3 - First Lab #

Once you are done with that head over to lesson02 and get started on the scavenger hunt!