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Reading Homework (ch2)

Overview #

In this lesson, we will investigate website structure and introduce basic HTML elements.

Why This Lesson Is Important #

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a fundamental building block of the web. When HTML was first invented it was very simple. However, the modern web has added a lot of complexity to the standard. For example, the current HTML living standard pdf is (as of 2021) 1298 pages long! Compare that to the current (as of 2021) C++ standard pdf at 1448 pages long. C++ is a turning complete programming language and HTML is only a markup language. Even if you have extensive experience in HTML take some time to dive deep into the standard because there is always something you can learn :)

Important topics that this module covers #

  • Document Structure
  • Fundamental HTML Tags
  • Containers
  • Forms
  • Widgets
  • Multi-media (Audio and video)
  • The <script> tag

zyBooks #

For this homework, you will need to log into zyBooks with the link below and complete the assigned challenge and participation questions. There is nothing you need to submit for this homework all your progress is saved automatically by the textbook. Only work done before the due date (and late work policy) will be counted towards your grade.

Grading #

This reading assignment is worth 20 points. The due date is listed on the course homepage. Your grade will be calculated with the formula: Math.floor(%complete * 20) = Total Points. For example, if you completed 80% of the assigned challenge and participation questions your grade would be .8 * 20 = 16.

Accessibility #

zyBooks provided an enhanced accessability mode that you can have activated. More information is located on the zyBooks website!