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Lab 2 (ch2)

Overview #

In this lab you are going to create a webpage about your hometown. This doesn’t have to necessarily be about your hometown, you can select any town (or city) you want!

Videos #

Task 1 - Write HTML (25pts) #

Create a web page about your hometown like the example below. The example is an image, you will need to create the correct HTML.

Image showing what the webpage is supposed to look like

Your web page must meet the following requirements:

  • Use an appropriate title for the web page <title>.
  • Use <h1> tags containing the hometown name followed by 3 sections, each using <section> tags.
  • The 1st section should contain a heading in <h2> tags entitled “Location”. A single paragraph should briefly describe the town’s location.
  • The 2nd section should contain a heading in <h2> tags entitled “About”. Create at least 3 subsections that each use <section> tags with <h3> headings. Each subsection should have a single paragraph describing something about your hometown.

The 3rd section should contain a heading in <h2> tags entitled “Things To Do”. Create an unordered list of interesting things to do in your hometown.

Task 2 - Unit testing (10pts) #

Copy the tests below into your testing file and run all the tests. 100% of the tests must pass!

QUnit.test('Test page title', function(assert) {
   assert.equal(document.getElementsByTagName('title').length, 1, 'One <title> tag exists');
   assert.ok(document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].text.length > 1, '<title> tag contains text');
   assert.ok(document.querySelector('head > title') !== null, '<title> is inside head, not <body>');

QUnit.test('Test h1 heading', function(assert) {
    assert.equal(document.getElementsByTagName('h1').length, 2, 'One <h1> tag exists');
    assert.ok(document.querySelectorAll('body > h1:first-child').length !== 0, '<h1> is first tag in <body>');
    assert.ok(document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText.length >= 1, '<h1> tag contains text');

QUnit.test('Test 3 outer sections', function(assert) {
   let sections = document.querySelectorAll("body > section");
   assert.equal(sections.length, 3, 'Three <section> tags exist');

QUnit.test('Test section h2 headings', function(assert) {
   let h2 = document.querySelectorAll('body > section > h2');
   assert.equal(h2.length, 3, 'Three <h2> tags exist in sections');
   h2 = document.querySelectorAll('body > section > h2:first-child');
   assert.equal(h2.length, 3, 'Three <h2> tags are at the top of each section');
   for (let i = 0; i < h2.length; i++) {
      assert.ok(h2[i].innerText.length >= 1, '<h2> tag for section ' + (i+1) + ' contains text');

QUnit.test('Test 1st section paragraph', function(assert) {
   let paras = document.querySelectorAll('body > section > p');
   assert.ok(paras.length >= 1, 'At least one <p> tag exists in 1st section');
   assert.ok(paras[0].innerText.length >= 1, 'First <p> tag contains text');   

QUnit.test('Test 2nd section\'s subsection h3 headings', function(assert) {
   const sections = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(2) > section');
   assert.ok(sections.length >= 3, 'At least 3 subsections exist in 2nd section');      
   let h3 = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(2) > section > h3:first-child');
   assert.equal(h3.length, sections.length, 'Number of 2nd section\'s subsections that have <h3> tags at top');
   for (let i = 0; i < h3.length; i++) {
      assert.ok(h3[i].innerText.length >= 1, 'Subsection ' + (i+1) + '\'s <h3> tag contains text');

QUnit.test('Test 2nd section\'s subsection paragraphs', function(assert) {
   const sections = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(2) > section');
   assert.ok(sections.length >= 3, 'At least 3 subsections exist in 2nd section');
   const paras = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(2) > section > p');
   assert.equal(paras.length, sections.length, '<p> tags exist in every 2nd section\'s subsections');
   for (let i = 0; i < paras.length; i++) {
      assert.ok(paras[i].innerText.length >= 1, 'Subsection ' + (i+1) + '\'s <p> tag contains text');

QUnit.test('Test 3rd section list', function(assert) {
   const list = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(3) > ul');
   assert.ok(list.length >= 1, 'At least one <ul> exists in 3rd section');
   const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('body > section:nth-of-type(3) > ul > li');
   assert.ok(listItems.length >= 1, 'At least one <li> exists in 3rd section\'s unordered list');

Task 3 - Flipgrid (10pts) #

Show off your website to the class. Once you have everything ready create a video using Flipgrid!

You need to demo the following:

  • Show the completed page(s).
  • Show your unit tests passing

Task 4 - Complete the Retrospective (5pts) #

Once you have completed all the tasks open the file and complete each section with a TODO comment.

Task 5 - Add, Commit, Push your code #

Once you are finished you need to make sure that you have pushed all your code to GitHub for grading!

Github Classroom #

All of your Lab work will be submitted through Github Classroom. You are responsible for ensuring all your code is properly pushed to Github! Any code not pushed to Github by the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you don't already have a GitHub account you will need to create one.

Accept the assignment #

  • Get the Starter Code
  • When you accept the assignment it is critical that you select your student email address from the list. If you don't select your student email address your instructor will not be able to grade your code. If you can't find your email in the list, contact your instructor ASAP to get the issue resolved.
  • Make sure to save the GitHub URL so you can find your assignment later if needed!
  • Once you accept the assignment it should show up in the class GitHub account