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Lab 3 (ch3)

Overview #

In this lab you are going to create a web form as shown below that allows the user to enter personal information for joining a social network. The web page uses CSS to align the form widgets vertically.

Videos #

Task 1 - Write HTML (25pts) #

Image showing what the webpage is supposed to look like

The form should:

  • Use the POST method and the “multipart/form-data” enctype
  • Submit to
  • Use a <label> for each form field and the label text shown in the image above
  • Use a <div> to surround each label and form widget and a <div> around the submit button
  • Use a text <input> with name and id “fullName” to get the user’s name
  • Use a text <input> with name and id “email” to get the user’s email address
  • Use a <textarea> with 3 rows, 50 columns, and name and id “about” to get a short description about the user
  • Use a text <input> with type “file” and name and id “picture” to get the user’s image Use a submit <input> button
  • Use the required attribute for name and email fields

Task 2 - Unit testing (10pts) #

Copy the tests below into your testing file and run all the tests. 100% of the tests must pass!

QUnit.test('Test form tag', function(assert) {
   let form = document.querySelector('form');
   assert.ok(form !== null, '<form> tag exists');
   assert.equal(form.method.toUpperCase(), 'POST', 'Form method is POST');
   assert.equal(form.enctype, 'multipart/form-data', 'Form enctype is multipart/form-data');
   assert.equal(form.action, '', 'Form action is URL');

QUnit.test('Test name label', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 0, '<div> surrounds full name label and input');
   let div = divs[0];
   let label = div.querySelector('label');
   assert.ok(label !== null, '<label> in div exists');
   assert.equal(label.innerText, 'Full name:', '<label> has correct text');
   assert.equal(label.getAttribute('for'), 'fullName', '<label> has correct for attribute value');

QUnit.test('Test full name input', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 0, '<div> surrounds full name label and input');
   let div = divs[0];
   let input = div.querySelector('input');
   assert.ok(input !== null, '<input> in div exists');
   assert.equal(, 'fullName', '<input> has correct name');
   assert.equal(, 'fullName', '<input> has correct id');
   assert.ok(input.getAttribute("required") !== null, '<input> uses required attribute');

QUnit.test('Test email label', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 1, '<div> surrounds email label and input');
   let div = divs[1];
   let label = div.querySelector('label');
   assert.ok(label !== null, '<label> in div exists');
   assert.equal(label.innerText, 'Email address:', '<label> has correct text');
   assert.equal(label.getAttribute('for'), 'email', '<label> has correct for attribute value');

QUnit.test('Test email input', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 1, '<div> surrounds email label and input');
   let div = divs[1];
   let input = div.querySelector('input');
   assert.ok(input !== null, '<input> in div exists');
   assert.equal(, 'email', '<input> has correct name');
   assert.equal(, 'email', '<input> has correct id');
   assert.ok(input.getAttribute("required") !== null, '<input> uses required attribute');

QUnit.test('Test about label', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 2, '<div> surrounds about label and textarea');
   let div = divs[2];
   let label = div.querySelector('label');
   assert.ok(label !== null, '<label> in div exists');
   assert.equal(label.innerText, 'About you:', '<label> has correct text');
   assert.equal(label.getAttribute('for'), 'about', '<label> has correct for attribute value');

QUnit.test('Test about textarea', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 2, '<div> surrounds email label and input');
   let div = divs[2];
   let textarea = div.querySelector('textarea');
   assert.ok(textarea !== null, '<textarea> in div exists');
   assert.equal(, 'about', '<textarea> has correct name');
   assert.equal(, 'about', '<textarea> has correct id');
   assert.equal(textarea.getAttribute('cols'), 50, '<textarea> has correct cols attribute');
   assert.equal(textarea.getAttribute('rows'), 3, '<textarea> has correct rows attribute');

QUnit.test('Test picture label', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 3, '<div> surrounds picture label and textarea');
   let div = divs[3];
   let label = div.querySelector('label');
   assert.ok(label !== null, '<label> in div exists');
   assert.equal(label.innerText, 'Photo:', '<label> has correct text');
   assert.equal(label.getAttribute('for'), 'picture', '<label> has correct for attribute value');

QUnit.test('Test for file input', function(assert) {
   let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 3, '<div> surrounds picture label and input');
   let div = divs[3];
   let input = div.querySelector('input');
   assert.ok(input !== null, '<input> in div exists');
   assert.equal(, 'picture', '<input> has correct name');
   assert.equal(, 'picture', '<input> has correct id');
   assert.equal(input.getAttribute('type'), 'file', '<input> has correct type attribute');

QUnit.test('Test for submit button', function(assert) {
    let divs = document.querySelectorAll('form div');
   assert.ok(divs.length > 4, '<div> surrounds submit input');
   let div = divs[4];
   let input = div.querySelector('input');
   assert.ok(input !== null, '<input> in div exists');
   assert.equal(input.getAttribute('type'), 'submit', '<input> has correct type attribute');

Task 3 - Flipgrid (10pts) #

Show off your website to the class. Once you have everything ready create a video using flipgrid!

You need to demo the following:

  • Show the completed page(s).
  • Show your unit tests passing

Task 4 - Complete the Retrospective (5pts) #

Once you have completed all the tasks open the file and complete each section with a TODO comment.

Task 5 - Add, Commit, Push your code #

Once you are finished you need to make sure that you have pushed all your code to GitHub for grading!

Github Classroom #

All of your Lab work will be submitted through Github Classroom. You are responsible for ensuring all your code is properly pushed to Github! Any code not pushed to Github by the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you don't already have a GitHub account you will need to create one.

Accept the assignment #

  • Get the Starter Code
  • When you accept the assignment it is critical that you select your student email address from the list. If you don't select your student email address your instructor will not be able to grade your code. If you can't find your email in the list, contact your instructor ASAP to get the issue resolved.
  • Make sure to save the GitHub URL so you can find your assignment later if needed!
  • Once you accept the assignment it should show up in the class GitHub account