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Lab 7 - Typescript part 2

Overview #

In this lab you will construct a Typescript project template that your company can use for front end development. You will need to figure out how to layout your Typescript project, compile the Typescript, test the Typescript, and run your compiled code in a browser all without using frameworks. Most of the tutorials or “guides” on the interwebs just show you how to use Typescript inside an existing framework, you need to build something from scratch.

The truly hard part of this lab will be shifting through all the cruft and bad/wrong advice on the interwebs!

Task 1 - Construct your template #

Construct your hello world typescript template that does the following:

  • Compiles your Project
  • Runs unit tests - for this you can use an existing unit test framework like qunit, jest, etc.
  • Prepares your project to run in a browser. You can use the same live server setup that you have been using all semester.
  • Write a small hello world application that demonstrates everything working
  • You can’t use a framework like webpack!

Examples #

There are some good examples that you can look at to get you started. There are thousands of them out there so be careful about what you select to help guide you. Both examples below are for backend projects. Your project template will need to be for the frontend, meaning it will run in the browser.

Deliverables #

At the end of this lab you should have completed your starter project template and made some progress on your tutorial.

Project information #

This is a multistage project consisting of the following lessons:

Your code will be randomly spot checked at several points during this project. You are expected to have made progress each week. 10% of your grade will be based on completion of the checkpoints on time. The spot checks are pass/fail, no partial credit will be given.

Github Classroom #

All of your Lab work will be submitted through Github Classroom. You are responsible for ensuring all your code is properly pushed to Github! Any code not pushed to Github by the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you don't already have a GitHub account you will need to create one.

Accept the assignment #

  • Get the Starter Code
  • When you accept the assignment it is critical that you select your student email address from the list. If you don’t select your student email address your instructor will not be able to grade your code. If you can’t find your email in the list, contact your instructor ASAP to get the issue resolved.
  • Make sure and save the github URL so you can find your assignment later if needed!
  • Once you accept the assignment it should show up in the class GitHub account