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Lab 8 - Typescript Tutorial

Overview #

In the previous two labs you learned about Typescript, created a simple tutorial, and created a project starter template. In this lab you will bing everything together, put some final polish on your work and create a video demonstrating your work.

Task 1 #

Update your tutorial that you created in the first lab with some CSS flair! Make sure everything publishes to GitHub correctly and make sure all your examples work and are camera ready.

Task 2 #

You will need to create a 3-5 minute tutorial using flipgrid showing off all the work that you did!

Task 3 #

Watch and comment (video or text) on at least 5 of your classmates submissions and give positive constructive feedback. How well do you think they explained the material? Was there any key issues they were missing?

Project information #

This is a multistage project consisting of the following lessons:

Your code will be randomly spot checked at several points during this project. You are expected to have made progress each week. 10% of your grade will be based on completion of the checkpoints on time. The spot checks are pass/fail, no partial credit will be given.

Github Classroom #

All of your Lab work will be submitted through Github Classroom. You are responsible for ensuring all your code is properly pushed to Github! Any code not pushed to Github by the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you don't already have a GitHub account you will need to create one.

Accept the assignment #

  • Get the Starter Code
  • When you accept the assignment it is critical that you select your student email address from the list. If you don’t select your student email address your instructor will not be able to grade your code. If you can’t find your email in the list, contact your instructor ASAP to get the issue resolved.
  • Make sure and save the github URL so you can find your assignment later if needed!
  • Once you accept the assignment it should show up in the class GitHub account