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Lab 10 (ch10)

Overview #

The textbook introduces node.js and express. In order to get prepared for your final project in this lab you will use the express application generator to quickly generate a “hello world” application. Once you have your application generated you can add database support using any supported database.

You are allowed to copy/paste code examples from the express site. It is not plagiarism to use the sample code that they provide in the documentation!

Task 1 - Express #

Generate an express application.

npx express-generator --view=pug

The generator may install stale updates so lets make sure everything is up to date before we go any further.

npm i -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm install

You can now start the app:

DEBUG=myapp:* npm start

You can access the website on localhost:3000

Task 2 - DB #

Now lets get a database a installed and working. If you don’t have any preferences on which database to use, SQLite is well supported and cross platform. Integration instructions are located on the express website.

 npm install sqlite3

Install a sqlite viewer for VSCode

Task 3 - Explore and Compare #

Take some time to explore all the files and research how everything is setup. You can reference the textbook for more information on express and the templates that they use.

I have created a complete example that you can reference or even use if you wish. It uses liquid templates instead of pug and gives examples of creating a table, inserting data into a table, deleting data, and rendering parameters in liquid.

Task 4 - Add all your files (25pts) #

Add all your files to your repo to show that you have worked through the required material.

Task 5 - Flipgrid (15pts) #

Most of this lab was just configuring everything, so the majority of your grade will be you showing off everything working in a video. Once you have everything ready create a video using flipgrid!

You need to demo the following:

  • Show your completed express application with database support
  • Talk about how the application is structured

Task 6 - Complete the Retrospective (10pts) #

Once you have completed all the tasks open the file and complete each section with a TODO comment.

Github Classroom #

All of your Lab work will be submitted through Github Classroom. You are responsible for ensuring all your code is properly pushed to Github! Any code not pushed to Github by the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you don't already have a GitHub account you will need to create one.

Accept the assignment #

  • Get the Starter Code
  • When you accept the assignment it is critical that you select your student email address from the list. If you don't select your student email address your instructor will not be able to grade your code. If you can't find your email in the list, contact your instructor ASAP to get the issue resolved.
  • Make sure to save the GitHub URL so you can find your assignment later if needed!
  • Once you accept the assignment it should show up in the class GitHub account